Monday, June 27, 2011

June26 2011

The iris are blooming in my flower garden. It is a regal plant and a flower that artists like to paint. I have a few favorite paintings of iris.  I took a photo of the iris with the orange background  from a book and I can't remember who painted it. The garden of iris was painted by Sally Loughridge. It was in the last show at Tidemark and sold. Sally works in pastel and oil and if you like this painting look her up on the internet. Two Iris, acrylic 18x24 is my painting. One of my favorite painters is Georgia O'Keeffe. I have several art books of her paintings. This is one of the Black Iris paintings. The last painting is by Charles Reid. He paints equally well in watercolor and oil.  This  image was taken from one of the  books I have of his work and teaching method. I have many art books and I treasure them. If I had money I would be an art collector. Looking at paintings gives me great pleasure.

1 comment:

Douglas Bechler said...

Also the painting below has an Iris in it as well :)