Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fall is here


Fall is here and the weather is cooling down. There were a couple of warm days last week and I probably had my last swim. I was the only one in the water except for  the ducks and  a few rafters floating  down the river.  
The painting above is a neighborhood scene. What interested me was the open window on the roof dormer and the wires and roof  shapes of the building behind the apartment house. Here residents and business are together, side by side.  No beautiful New England style homes so I have to look at everything from a different perspective. The views from my window are great but I haven't attempted to paint one yet. When I go to Chris's farm I usually make a small painting, mostly trees. I have only painted 12 watercolors. I am painting on the backs of old paintings, and for some reason there is no sizing and I have had to use acrylic on some of them. They are not great but I will get better with practice. I also ordered some paper.
I go every Saturday to the outside market. As you can see the winter vegetables are in. I love the fresh food and seeing the people and food arrangements. I get outside every day for exercise. I have my own little garden. I haven't counted but there may be 50 little Ya Po Ah plots, flowers and vegetables together, very pretty, with benches to sit on and enjoy the scenery.

ducks at my swim spot


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Audrey, so nice to see that you have embraced your new home and have graced it with your artist's eye and heart. I miss you here but so glad that you are happy. I love your new paintings! Your friend in Maine, Kat