Friday, March 19, 2021




Spring is in full bloom here in Eugene. Back in Maine one has to wait patiently for spring. The weather can be quite erratic in Maine, sometimes spring like and some times cold and snowy. I would record when the first blooming daffodil would appear and when the frogs woke up and started to sing. I can remember when the frogs one time  started to peep on March 21, a rare occasion. There is great anticipation for spring, warm weather and life returning to plants  and trees, the soft colors and smells of warming earth, the smell of sea salt from ocean breezes and the return of birds with their songs  . All this comes  with thawing ground ,showers, and lots of mud. Hear the seasons change gradually, but for me the four seasons in Maine, are more dramatic and  I appreciate them more.

 Because the weather is more temperate here there is something in bloom every month of the year ,but now is the most beautiful time,.

on the butte


peony tree

Ya Po AH grounds

Ya Po Ah

Ya Po Ah gardens

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