Friday, November 2, 2018

Paintings on 18th floor

Built for comfort. 22x31
My friend Pam's house was always interesting to me and I did several paintings of her and her arrangements  She moved around a lot  and this might have been on federal St. Newburyport back in the 70ties
The process of taking paintings out of storage continues. It is interesting to unwrap the bundles and see what is inside. Some of the paintings I haven't seen in years, painted long ago and hidden away in places in the house in Maine.  and so it is like unwrapping Christmas presents, the past brought forward exposing the trail of life. I will show the exhibit floor by floor starting on the 18 floor, 12 paintings. It is interesting what people choose. I also had a few of christopher's paintings and they are also on display. Read under the paintings for further explanation. 

all triangles 16x20
 Recent Sacred geometry 

Snowman. 18x24
A house on back Cove that I painted many times from different directions and seasons

Two Hay Bales. print on canvas 16x20
When Charlie and I first lived on back Cove a dairy farmer hayed the neighbors  fields that inspired this painting

January Ice   print on canvas 16x20
Several times the winters were so cold that the cove froze over. This is looking toward Haystack Island

Circle of Lilies 21x29
One Easter I painted this large pot of Lilies
Vacant House 16x20
Same house as in snowman. The Barn was town down
Painting the Model 29x21
I was in charge for a few years of the portrait class , at Round Top in Damariscotta
Fir abd granite 12x16
I made up this scene. The end of Haystack is on the left.
Road Scene Spring 16x26

House in Lupin Field 14x21
by Christopher on a visit to Maine

Winter Fields 14x10
 by Christopher also a Maine scene

these bottom ones are examples of Christopher's work. He preferrers to work in oil

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Beautiful work Audrey and Christopher!
Love the essence that comes out in these paintings