sunrise out my window |
from some of the articles I have read since the election 11 11 is a powerful number
Realize that this bigger than you are – beyond one single election. This is a worldwide primal scream against a corrupt Western system that has benefited only a tiny proportion of the population. It is happening all over Europe now.
Find common ground. The enemies emphatically are not the people who voted for Trump. They are people whose lives aren’t working who were being ignored by the liberal establishment.
The key to your power is a single unified voice. As Elizabeth Warren just announced, ‘We will stand up to bigotry. There is no compromise here. In all its forms, we will fight back against attacks on Latinos, African Americans, women, Muslims, immigrants, disabled Americans – on anyone. Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever.”
Trump wanted the job. So let’s hold his foot to the fire, and demand that he become a better person, stand for more high-minded ideals and be a more inclusive President for all Americans.
So don’t mourn – do. Figure out what you can do to make for peaceful revolution. And then go do it.
Our economic situation must change. Trump purpose...to seed the transformational change on the earth. On the surface it looks like he will do damage, but he will not. To create a new economic system for the future. He will not be making drastic changes but will amend things that will make them work. You will see language very different from his past. We just busted apart old structures that Hillary was a part of. People do not want more of an old broke system. Much of what Trump has said is more in alignment with handing over the keys to the people...less government. You are missing it if you are feeling fear and angst. t This is a wonderful time we are entering. The old is falling away. If you are latching onto fear you are creating more of that. We have created a split society which is fear...in that fear comes transformation.
Incredible things are about to unfold. . The frequencies of the planet are so high now that they cannot sustain the old heavy energies of 3D anymore. It is not about having the first female president. We are so beyond that. It is about bringing forth the Divine Feminine and balancing that with the Masculine. You have to step up into your true Creatorship. If you don't have your heart in the right place you will not be a part of co-creating what we desire. It is a great challenge for society to become more empowered to create what we want. Allow the new to come in.. Focus on the higher light. This is the spiritual conversation. Don't get caught up in the old heavy energies.
Weekend Replays
Kenji Kumara 11:11 Portal Opening
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