I am outwitted be the animals and bugs. After planting my vegetables, to keep the chickens out of the garden I enclosed their coop with a flimsy enclosure, then one day about a week ago I saw them roaming the yard. I thought I fixed the place they got out but when I went out to weed who should appear but the two chickens looking for worms as I pulled the weeds and uncovered the dirt. I put them back in their enclosure and watched. One of they them is smarter then the other. The original way to get out didn't work so the darker colored chicken jumped up on the the pen that is part of their coop and after looking over the situation took off and flew over the three foot wire fence. Now the both of them are happily free and going where they please. One photo shows them taking a dust bath up by the flower bed I just weeded.
These chickens lay huge eggs as you can see in the photo.
Now I must spent time building a higher, stronger fence.
You probably think I have beautiful prolific gardens, because I take great photos of the flowers and vegetables. I don't show you the weeds and bug eaten vegetables. Well here is a photo of a bug eaten kale plant, hardly surviving.
One day I was talking to Doug, my brilliant son on the computer with face time and the lamp shade was over his head. It was so funny I took a photo with my camera of the computer screen.
The cove I live near. The place I paint. The place where I swim and go for a paddle in the kayak. |
friends |
Sorry we are not home right now. We flew over the chicken coop. |
Would anyone like to help mow the lawn and weed the garden? I need goats not chickens. |
Is this an angel or a guy with a dunce cap?
big eggs |
This is fun. Taking a dirt bath. |
where are we going? |
always together |
the bugs are wining |
1 comment:
Here I am again, leaving my third comment today on your blog which i found through my maine friend. I'm enjoying your writings too, and ponderings and impressions of your surroundings-I too am a visual person, and I like to hear you talk about the town, your surroundings and the garden -since we will be moving there from oregon soon, it is so inspiring to see your climate and surroundings. i grew up in Minnesota, and lived out east for a time so understand the beauty-and sometime-hardships of cold winters, but I am excited to have snow again! Your work is wonderful, and varies-you are a better draftsman than I -my style is more Chagall like but as I age I think about trying to take a class or two in drawing and realistic style. We really have Waldoboro as our number 1 town to live to find some acreage for our animals-I love hearing you talk about the town-it sounds inviting, real, with real people who are interested in forming bonds with real people-that is what we want, and I want as an artist too. I hope you don't mind me writing so much-but there is something about your blog, and your posts-I feel I was meant to find you and your work. Do you ever get that connection with someone, a stranger? And that you are moving to Eugene, and i am leaving Oregon for Maine...I feel like maybe you are one of my 'rocks', a beacon on the Eastern shore to give me comfort perhaps, in your words and art, as I have to say goodbye to the land here that I love. Katherine Dunn www.apiferafarm.com
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