Winter's cold grip is finally subsiding and we have had a few days of 50 degrees. Spring is slow coming on the coast because the wind off the water keeps the temperature down. I will appreciate those winds when we get the heat of summer. The sound of birds is in the air, robins are back and the woodcock in the field calls for a mate in the twilight of the day. The ground is thawing and eventual the heaves of earth will flatten out. The house is settling and I can close doors now that were out of alinement during the deep freeze of winter. When I am home I let the chickens out and they are happy to roam the yard. No sounds of the peepers but the ice is melted in the swamp across the road. Now I think of the garden that at the moment is mud but is drying out. Time to plant some seeds and placed by the window in the mud room they will hopefully sprout.
Painted last year on shore when first green leaves appeared. |
Shore Dock Painted this winter |
Two White Trangles Abstract done this winter |
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