Happy Spring , Happy Easter
The cool weather is slowing growth down while the lengthing days are waking everything up, peepers and birds are singing and the daffodils are blooming in the front of my house. The 200 foot dirt drive way is drying out and full of ruts and holes. The gardens are to wet to dig in. I did do some weeding yesterday in front of the house and was tired after a couble of hours using muscles that have not been in use since last summer. Believe it or not my hands and other parts are stiff today. Easter Sunday I went to Thomston and listened to the jazz group and had noon dinner with friends.
I finished an abstract that took a couble of weeks on and off to complete. I usually abandon paintings that are not going well and I have a draw full of those. I stuck with this one that uses perspective in the geometry. All I can say is it is not like anything else I have painted and I don't know how I feel about it. I have only made 24 paintings so far this winter which is less than I usually do but I have also been working on my book of realistic work and that takes up a lot of time. The older I get the slower I am and the less I get done. There are days when I have no energy and nothing gets done. Perhaps I have done what I need to to and does it really matter. I think our lessons are not what we do but how we do them. My glass is alway half full. The journey is what it is all about. It is Spring, new growth, new beginnings.
Lily in the window acrylic on paper 23 x 32
Lily on the Book acrylic on paper |
Looking In acrylin on canvas 24 x 30 |