Saturday, October 1, 2011

abstract painting "Cube"

Oct 1 2011
I plan to do some abstract paintings based on sacred geometry. I have been working on the Cube, 30x40 acrylic. From the sketches you see how I worked the geometry. there are several ways to get the 5 sided pentagon. One way is from the square. I took images of the canvas as I worked  out the design and colors.  On the right is the circle squared, the middle section has the 4, 5, and 6 sided shapes, the cube shape and the equilateral triangle with extended lines going to the edges. I didn't like the light purple square and kept the enclosed 6 sided shapes all warm colors. Last I added the dark lines. They may look random but I spent some time redrawing them until they looked right for the composition.


cube 1



cube 2



Cube 3







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