June 1st was a strange feeling day, windy, heavy, humid, just weird. I didn't even take the dog for a walk. It thundered in the morning and afternoon and was very dark. After a nap in the late afternoon I did paint for about 3 hours.
Painting is my passion and I have favorite paintings. Each blog will have a explanation of one of the paintings .
I am choosing them at random. I live my life randomly. I have always liked geometry. From time to time I study sacred geometry, numbers, the golden mean and fibonacci series. I have used this information when composing a painting. I have three different paintings that use these theories. Artist at the Easel uses the golden mean proportion. It was painted from a sketch of my friend in the Newburyport Art Assoc. This is not the best color photo. You can see the use of gradations from cool to warm, dark to light. It is spacious. Mary sits in front of a white blank canvas. Every day starts as a blank canvas. Everything we do can be interesting and enjoyable depending on our approach to life. It is all about attitude. My canvas may not have much in it, like the painting of Mary. She is precious, departed now, but she was a beautiful person, and a good friend.
Shapes 3,4,5 uses the triangle, the square and the pentagon. I did this small painting this winter. I never loose my interest in sacred geometry. I have read these shapes are the building blocks of matter. The last couple of years I have become interested in crop circles, which use the geometric shapes in there designs. I have several books of photos of them. They seem to become more complex each year. I am sure they hold energy and important information.
Red Triangles, an abstract of vertical lines, is based on the fibonacci series. I did it a while ago, so I don't' remember the sequence of divisions. The colors are pleasing and joyful.
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