When I was a child on Valentines Day all the children in my class would bring valentine cards and we would put them into a decorated box. When the time came the valentines cards were drawn out one by one and given to whoever it was addressed to. I can remember putting my favorite ones into a scrap book. My grammar school had 8 rooms one for each grade and the valentine box was a tradition every year
After grammar school I received only a few Valentines and then after a few years the scrap book disappeared .Now you can go on the computer and look up old valentine card images. I even saw ones I had received back in grammar school. I think Valentines day should be a national holiday.
This day is mostly for lovers or those that love one another. LOVE needs to be expanded, because the word has a narrow meaning when it really encompasses everything. I believe everything is created from love. It is an emotion that can’t be defined only felt. Here are some of the actions that love creates; passion, compassion, respect, forgiveness, surrender, kindness, deep affection, enjoyment, caring, appreciation for. It is action, a force. It is entanglement. It is giving and receiving. Everything needs love or it withers or even dies. One can also love nature, for it’s beauty and the peaceful feelings it emanates. So I think we should up grade Valentines Day and send our love forth. Who knows, it may bring peace to the planet.
Audrey Bechler
In the super market yesterday and everyone was buying flowers |
these were like the grammar school cards we gave each other |
I think I might have been given this one in school |
my little animals |
older hand made fold up cards |