Sunday, February 14, 2021


the ways to love. Whatever way you love spread it around
We could post hundreds of these 11 Right
love of music
love of pets
love of partner
love of each other
love of brother
love of son
love of each other
love of pet
love of naps
love of daughter
love of grandson
love of nature
young brothers
growing up together
two young ones
grandmother and grandson
the family line

Happy Valentine's Day

HAPPY Valentine's Day

This day is mostly for lovers or those that love one another. Love needs to be expanded, because the word has a narrow meaning when it really encompasses everything. I believe everything is created from love. It is an emotion that can’t be defined only felt. Here are some of the actions that love creates, passion, compassion, respect, forgiveness, surrender, kindness, deep affection, enjoyment, caring, appreciation for. It is action, a force, It is entanglement, It is giving and receiving. Everything needs love or it withers  or even dies. One can also love nature, for its beauty and the peaceful feeling it emanates. So I think we should up grade Valentines’s day and send our love forth. Who knows , it may bring peace to the planet.