Saturday, February 15, 2020

Happy Valentine Day Feb 14 2020

This day is mostly for lovers or those that love one another. Love needs to be expanded, because the word has a narrow meaning when it really encompasses everything. I believe everything is created from love. It is an emotion that can’t be defined only felt. Here are some of the actions that love creates, passion, compassion, respect, forgiveness, surrender, kindness, deep affection, enjoyment, caring, appreciation for. It is action, a force, It is entanglement, It is giving and receiving. Everything needs love or it withers  or even dies. One can also love nature, for its beauty and the peaceful feeling it emanates. So I think we should up grade Valentines’s day and send our love forth. Who knows , it may bring peace to the planet. 

Clause and Mocha loved one another

Clause went for walks with Mocha

early valentine hand painted, folded, and mailed

Sunday, February 2, 2020

First Post in Feb. 2020

It is February 1st and spring is in the air. Plants are pushing up out of the ground and trees are starting to bud. More Robins about.
I finished my book on Realism #2 I started it back before I moved to Eugene, then started working on it a month ago. I use a Blurb program. Its is a good way to keep a record of a lot of my paintings. This is the completion of my 6th book. They cost a lot so I have one book of each., Watercolors, Abstracts, Interiors and Still Life, Realism #1 my  Christmas Letters with winter paintings and now Realism #2 225 pages.I should get it in a week.I am posting a few pages so you see how it is done. It takes a lot of time and patience.