keeping cool |
It is hot here in Eugene. I ride my trike to the river every day and float around in the water. I watch the people on rafts and inter tubes float by in the current and I would like to do that. Well coming home on my trike I ran into anotherYa Po Ah resident and was talking to them about this and they have inter tubes and so I am going with them today and I will be floating down the river. Put out the intention and it may materialize. Look for synchronicities.
The outdoor market
tomatoes are in |
This is a beautiful display. See the flowers in the vegetables |

I don't usually express my feelings about politics, however I was ammazed when Bernie said he was running for president last year. I thought back then, as an honest politician with integrity he won't get anywhere. If you don't play ball with the system your out. Well they certainly ignored and excluded him, but he kept gaining more and more support. The people want the changes he talked about, getting big money out of politics and all the money he raised was from the people. I think he was surprised he got as far as he did. I watched with fascination and hope as his movement grew. Following all the subversive tactics to block him, in reality I think he won. These are just my observations and my opinions. So now many people are in a quandary, who to vote for. Hillery still represents the old system. Do you vote for the lessor of two evils. As far as I am concerned this vote is still based on fear. Fear is the tool that has controlled people for thousands of years. Do not make decisions based on fear. "
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein, We have the power, people power to bring about change. I watched Our Revolution, and the controversy over Jeff Weavers's appointment. We don't know what goes on behing the scenes. No one is perfect, but the movement is strong, the ideas and actions are moving in the right direction. I do not believe this movement will accept money that is given for favors.
This is certainly interesting times, all the disclosers. What is the truth? I go with my heart. I feel we are coming into a beautiful time. Change is happening fast, maybe two steps forward and one step back. I feel like I am watching a play and can hardly wait for the last act. There will be a few mishaps along the way but there is a happy ending. My world is one of light, Always new ways are born from chaos. We are moving down the tunnel toward the light. It is there within sight, run toward it.
I just watched on you tube comments made by a 13 year old physicist. Watch it. upliftconnect.com/13-year-old-physicist/
We the people
watching an outdoor play |
watching the play |
I like this women's outfit, tiger dress and straw hat |