It is Labor day, the last day of summer for a lot of people. Children are going back to school, or have already started. It is a warm muggy day. This summer has been one of the coolest, most days in the seventies and low eighties, just right for me.
Doug and Christina came up a couple of weeks ago and spent the whole time working. They stacked the wood, mowed the lawn, weeded, cleared brush, and weed wacked the overgrowth. Most of the old wood got burned in a big bon fire.
A shed that was falling apart was taken down and was part of the bon fire. Doug put in new windows in the barn studio. Christina sorted and cleaned. She is a wonderful organizer. The van was filled three times for dump runs. After a week Christina went back to Amesbury and Doug stayed and kept working. Old houses are in constant need of repair. I can,t keep up with what needs to be done, so I do what I can. I am blessed to have children that take care of this place. I am blessed to have children that are loving and caring, creative, interesting children, that are wonderful adults, making the world a better place.There are so many interesting people in my life. There in not on person that does not influnce another. We are entangled.
While Doug was working I went out to the shore with the dogs and painted.
As the expression is a picture is like a thousand words so I am including some images of work week.
Doug and Christina at Homer,s studio Prouts Neck |
Doug spends a lot of time on his I phone |
The wood pile |
Garden in the front of the house |
Starting the fire |
Bon fire |
Weeds in the garden |
After weeding |
Stacked wood, Doug weedwacking in the back of the house |
New windows in barn studio |
Watercolor painted when Doug was here |
Watercolor painted while Doug was here |
Watercolor with Christinia,s dog. Dogs were with me when I painted. |